Mozilla Taskgraph#

Mozilla Taskgraph is a companion library to Taskgraph, the tool for generating graphs of tasks for the Taskcluster task execution framework.

It contains logic that can be shared across all of Mozilla’s projects using the Firefox CI Taskcluster instance.


This project is only relevant to Mozilla’s CI system, specifically the Firefox CI Taskcluster instance. Ensure your project is already using Taskgraph on this instance before proceeding to install mozilla-taskgraph.

The mozilla-taskgraph package should be installed alongside Taskgraph, using the same method used to install the taskcluster-taskgraph package. If you followed the recommended way to bootstrap Taskgraph, simply add taskcluster-taskgraph to your taskcluster/ file:


Then regenerate the lockfile:

cd taskcluster
pip-compile --generate-hashes


Once installed, you can start to use the transforms and utilities that mozilla-taskgraph provides. For example, to use the release_artifacts transforms in your kind:

loader: taskgraph.loader.transform:loader

  - mozilla_taskgraph.transforms.scriptworker.release_artifacts

See Taskgraph’s documentation for general information on using Taskgraph.