
The transforms provided in this module are designed to interact with Release Engineering’s Ship-It, a tool to help manage releases of Firefox and other products.

Graph Configuration#

Configuration for Ship-It related transforms belong under a shipit section in the graph_config (typically taskcluster/ci/config.yml). At a minimum, a product key is required:

  product: my-product

There are also a few optional keys:

  • release-format - A string that gets interpolated with the product, version and build_number. Defaults to {product}-{version}-build{build_number}.

  • scope-prefix - A string denoting a prefix used for all Ship-It related scopes for this product. Defaults to project:releng:ship-it.



The mark_as_shipped transforms can be used to create a task that will mark a release as shipped in Ship-It.

Typically such a task should use Taskgraph’s from_deps transforms to depend on all leaf nodes of a “ship graph”. That way the release will only be marked as shipped after all release tasks have completed successfully.

Other than having dependencies set up properly, no special configuration is required in the task to use these transforms.